Friday, June 22, 2012

CSA Week 9: Lettuce, Red Russian Kale, Vitamin Green, Yukina Savoy, Garlic Scapes, Scallions, Strawberries



The real winners of this week’s box were the strawberries and garlic scapes. We received almost three pounds of berries and baked them into a pie that was embarrassingly/awesomely demolished in two days (by two people). This was my first attempt at a lattice crust, and even a sloppy lattice looks pretty nice!


Garlic scapes + pine nuts + parmesan cheese + lemon juice + olive oil make a top-notch pesto. Just tossed with spaghetti the pesto makes an incredible dinner, but…


…spread on a pizza with sausage, mozzarella, and caramelized onions it is so good that you will make the exact same thing a week later. 


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